
For hotels, motels, pensions, sanatoriums

This offer is for owners of hotel business, designers and consultants. We offer accounting systems and complexes for hotels. Hotel project is work of many specialists – our company is ready to provide with consultative and technical support in hotel complexes designing, estimation of the project cost. Our specialists are experienced in putting equipment in hotel complex into service. Our company always works with the client's main goal – profit. Accordingly, investments in our solutions and projects are to be justified and produce profit.The Vostok company specialists' experience allows to integrate particular systems of enterprises into unified informational complex, therefore increase efficiency and benefit of using these systems.

 Video surveillance is security, personnel, territory security, remote control via the Internet, integration with cash register positions – payment control.

Система безопасности и видеонаблюдения в гостинице - добавить в проект гостиницыSecurity and video surveillance system. We can't ensure that our system will protect you from thefts, vandalism or unfair employees (or guests). But on the base of our experience we can guarantee that the system increasingly reduces risks and temptations. Employees' actions are under constant control – it results in sharp rise of discipline, speed and quality of service. Extremely important point – thefts, sometimes, but happen. When theft is occurred, distrust atmosphere appears. On the base of our experience, watching of video camera records, the Hotel Administrator can see that theft was committed by outsiders. Yes, it happens. The situation is not pleasant, but necessary conclusions are made, the territory gets additional security, protection is enhanced, and the most important – competent personnel is saved! There are no wandering, distrusting, suspicion. Video surveillance system carried out the main task, it clarified the situation. It resulted in saving efficiency of the personnel and profit of the enterprise at the proper level.

 Accounting system on the base of 1C: Enterprise and Fishka helps automate operation of reception and accommodation service, and also just-in-time accounting in the hotel, café, restaurant, it helps to get information about number fund and trade balance:

 We believe that first of all any business is accounting! Money to spare needs good care! But money is not only in the cash register, it is either stock of goods and products. Property needs to be constantly controlled and accounted.

 Equipment for accounting:

 Access, control of working hours and visits time – control over customers, personnel, operation of sauna, swimming pool, billiard room and other spaces where setting of video surveillance is not suitable. Access control system. Access of customers to the rooms is performed by plastic cards, control of using electronic equipment is performed by controllers and plastic cards readers, it helps to use electric equipment economically.

Telephony – organisation of telephone network in the hotel – mini-ATS, optimization of expenditures: GSM-gateway, IP-telephony between departments.

The Internet – connection to broadband optical channels (Kievstar, Beeline), distribution of the Internet resources in the hotel, access for guests – paid, free of charge, opportunity of remote (from another building, city, country) video surveillance watching.

Television – digital television, incut of satellite channels, internal hotel channel, transmitting of images from video surveillance cameras to dedicated channels.

Web site is not only business card of hotel complexes in the world wide web Internet. Hotel web site must attract customers and bring profit. We are ready to design effective web sites from business card web site to introduction into operation of booking and reservation system – with review of particular rooms, with opportunity for client to print order form: unique bar code, reservation date etc. Our company develops project of the website for the hotel and technical task – design and programming works are carried out by our partners' teams – specialised studios of Web-design.

Integration of systems:

The Vostok company experience allows to integrate separate systems of the enterprise into unified informational unit, it results in additional increase of efficiency and benefit of using these systems.

Access, time sheet, time attendance system – it's money as well.