
“Alan Ltd”- distribution, assembling of overhead track scales.

Distribution and assembling of overhead track scales for the meat-processing factory “Alan”

Overhead track scales are for weighting of carcasses during the process of loading it into the cold storage boxes or shipping into the production department. Weight-metering indicator CAS BI-100 was used to assure error-free performance. This model is notable for advanced damp- and dustproof system (IP-65); also it provides off-line operation with the help of accumulators if electricity is absent. There is RS-232 outlet for linking-up with PC, in the future it will allow automation of weighting readings accounting.

About client

Meat-processing factory “Alan”. In the assortment there are more than 180 kinds of productions to fit any taste. There are boiled, smoked and cooked, summer and smoked meat delicacies, sausages and small sausages. You can find in-depth information about the client on the web-site: