
The hotel Roksolana - complex project

The Vostok Company designed and realized complex project of computer, telephone network and security system in the hotel Roksolana.

The client set next objectives: to develop and to implement control over hall, bar, coffee bar, terraces, parking and courtyard of the hotel.

Actually objective wasn’t easy because building of hotel and finishing works were almost completed. It’s very difficult to equip project properly. That’s why we always recommend our clients, architects, builders, general contractors to contact us and solve problems of security, accounting and control beforehand. It’s better to do at the stage of project planning and its techno-economic justification. It is logically reasonably, skillfully; it simplifies work, saves money and time.

Our specialists examined the object and analyzed all probable arrangements for video cameras. They took measurements and filmed trial video. We developed several variants of cable laying with a glance on possible of changes in building scheme and placing of swimming pool on the hotel territory. So we can say our specialists brilliantly managed with preliminary objectives. Afterwards there were minimal damages of building and decorations. You may make sure by visiting hotel “Roksolana”.

Not the least of the factors was help of our client: his interest, participation in discussions, connection with partners, and consultation about project’s future. The client helped us to realize the project excellently and foreseen future expansion and integration of systems. The client was interested, took part in discussions, had connections with partners, and consulted about project’s future. We appreciate such clients. The Vostok Company wishes the hotel “Roksolana” development and prosperity!

The next stage is a technical matter. When we choose equipments we pay attention to the client’s aims, usually it is profit! We consider systems of video monitoring, security and accounting as client’s investments. All investments must be covered and bring profit. That’s why our aim to cut down amount of financial resources but at the same time we want to ensure large profit. In other words if we have opportunity we will install reasonably priced video cameras. But if there is no other variant we will uphold our one. Video monitoring system was installed for control and security in the hotel. Video cameras control hall, bar, café, swimming pool, parking, and also stories and corridors of the hotel. Fitted system is based on the PC with video monitoring board Spotter 20-20.

Áàññåéí â ãîñòèíèöå ÐîêñîëàíàFor execution of set objective there were used inexpensive video cameras SK-1004X on the floors and terraces. Reasonably priced color video cameras STS-C116 were used to control hall, bar, café and parking. Swimming pool is source of increased danger so we installed there color video camera “day/night” Samsung SIR-4250 in antivandal case.

For provision of prompt control and work with video archive from remote office, the FREEBit Company laid optical net and engaged it to the Internet. In order hotel guests could obtain access to the Internet, specialist of the Vostok company installed and adjusted routers and devices that enables access to the Internet by Wi-Fi D-Link production. Internet connection enables not only remote control for administrator, but also it is additional advertisement and weighty argument for you to choose hotel “Roksolana” for vacation.

But we continue. Could the hotel be with out telephone communications? Of course, it couldn’t. The basement of telephone communications is mini-ATS LG-Nortel Aria Soho. This mini-ATS is an optimal choice for mini-hotels. Besides, basic block allows to expand opportunities of ATS and to develop capacity of the system. Connection to the mini-ATS allows receiving full report about calls. In future, administration is planning to automate calls accounting and billing at the reception after installation of accounting system.

Besides, hotel “Roksolana” is planning to organize automated working places for hotel administrator, barmen, waiters (on the 1C base), and arrangement of access system and accounting of time, automation time of sauna work.

About our client

Hotel “Roksolana” is situated in the Sudak valley, in the quite cottage district of Sudak city, not far from the sea and aqua park. There is Suuk-Su River not far from the hotel; it’s also called Taraktash, Sudak, Alephor or Alyphor. It springs from the canyon between ridge of Hambal and mountain Kurkushlu-Oba.

From the window of room see the mountainsHotel room

There are comfortable first-class or standard rooms for guest’s service. Rooms are equipped with conditioners, TV sets, bathroom units, hot water showers. Hot and cold water delivery is twenty-four-hour. There is parking for car travelers. Café, oriental tearoom, swimming pool and sauna are for you on the hotel territory.

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