Barcodes in production
Bar codes in manufacturing plants for automation of product accounting and quality monitoring at all stages of production.
Bar codes are used at all stages of production - from planning to release of finished goods to the consumer and tracking of claims by serial numbers of products. In small-scale production, the production plan and production assignment can be immediately accompanied by the creation of serial numbers for products that are only planned for release. Based on the production plan, specifications, process charts, assignments for the assembly warehouse, labels for marking assembled products and labels for marking finished products after quality control by quality control employees are created and printed.
In manufacturing enterprises, bar codes are used in almost all document and product movements to automate product accounting and track quality at all stages of production.
- Documents
- Containers
- Labels for raw material acceptance and incoming inspection
- Passes and employee identifiers
- Storage locations
- Equipment
- Commands for the accounting system
- Units (semi-finished products)
- Finished products
Bar codes in documents
Adding barcodes to documents allows you to speed up accounting operations by automatically searching for documents in the database and automating confirmation operations. It also completely eliminates errors in manual entry or selecting documents from the list. The employee will only work with the selected document. When scanning a document's barcode, process dispatching is immediately ensured - the system records the fact that work with the document has begun.
Marking of containers with bar codes
For marking and automation of container identification, a bar code is usually sufficient. The linear code is easily read by both hand-held scanners and stationary ones on conveyor lines. It is possible to combine formats, when the container is marked with several formats for automation of identification - a linear bar code, a 2D code and an RFID tag. For 80% of container accounting operations, a linear bar code is sufficient.
Bar codes for raw materials and incoming inspection
For any enterprise, incoming quality control of raw materials and materials is the key to the production of high-quality products and stable economic indicators. Marking during incoming inspection allows you to clearly track batches of raw materials and materials, ensure control of each supplier. In case of complaints, the fastest possible analysis is provided as to which supplier supplied the raw materials or materials that led to defective finished products or complaints about them.
Employee passes and identifiers
The bar code on employee passes allows identifying them when performing work or accounting operations. This is especially important when using information kiosks in production areas, where one accounting point records data on the work performed by many employees.
Marking storage locations with a bar code
To speed up and simplify warehouse operations, organize full-fledged warehouse management (WMS), marking storage locations with linear bar codes is quite sufficient. Depending on the scale of the enterprise and the accounting tasks, you can select the desired level of detail from the cell to the zone.
Bar code on equipment
Marking equipment with bar codes allows you to track quality and defect statistics (may depend on the condition of the machine). In addition, the bar code on the equipment allows you to set up a full-fledged accounting of maintenance and repairs (ToiR). By scanning the number of equipment and spare parts (consumables), you can form a full statement of contents and track economic indicators (production efficiency).
Commands for the accounting system
A very important element of automation of accounting and control is the bar codes of operations. They can be either printed in the operational document or placed separately on stands, instructions, work schemes: record, conduct, weigh, tare, next document, cancel. The use of operation codes allows to significantly speed up the work and at the same time to ensure clear tracking of production processes with full timing (time control) and dispatching. The status of production areas and orders changes immediately when the employee scans the command.
Marking of units and semi-finished products with a bar code
Internal production marking of prefabricated units and semi-finished products ensures continuous quality control. When assembling a prefabricated unit, the employee writes off the parts according to bar codes and after assembly marks the product with a new serial number. This makes it possible to ensure hardenability in subsequent sections from which components or raw materials was it made and by which of the employees?
Bar codes for finished products
As a rule, several bar codes are applied to finished products or accompanying documentation:
- product bar code,
- factory serial number,
- batch number.
The use of linear bar codes in production allows you to save significant funds when automating accounting and control due to the use of inexpensive bar code scanners and 1D data collection terminals.