Buy quality coffee with a quality guarantee - Original.webozum
The best digital solution for protecting the brand of coffee producers, automating quality control and operational accounting based on the original.webozum web platform. Anti-counterfeiting is an important step in trademark protection. Both grain and instant coffee are counterfeited. Under the guise of branded coffee varieties, beans impregnated with chemical flavors and flavors are sold. Soluble is faked no less, the input is all production defects, the processing of burnt coffee beans, chicory, burnt sugar, barley, soybeans - all this has nothing to do with the noble drink, but is sold in packages labeled "Coffee". The original.webozum system allows you to effectively control mini-batches of products, track each package and guarantee the quality of the product to the buyer.
- Goods 1-4 из 4
Фирменная смесь различных сортов арабики. Имеет приятный цветочно-фруктовый аромат, насыщенный вкус с карамельными нотками и легкой кислинкой. Очень вкусно с молоком.
White polypropylene label, halfgloss, size 80x25 mm, in the roll of 2000 pieces. These labels are used for marking the products which can be stored for a long period of time. Also various shelves, cells, furniture can be marked.
Основа—100% арабика. С кислинкой. Легкий ароматный, сублимированный кофе. Рассчитан на 112 порций. В состав не входят ароматизаторы. Количество кофеина—до 1%.