
Symbol MC3090 R-LC28S00GER

Price not specified

You can adjust angle of scan by yourself, everything you have to do is turn reading module in right direction. For convenience terminal Symbol MC3090R-LC28S00GER is equipped with rotation gear of scanning head (Rotating Head), it simplifies and speeds up data entry during scanning operations.

Reliable operation in different conditions

Except proofness of falls from 1.2 m height in all range of temperatures, ruggedness mobile computers of Symbol MC3090R are equipped with hermetic enclosure with protection class from moisture and dust IP54 and guarantees reliable operation in the most adverse conditions.

Operating system

Family of MC3090 is based calculating platform Microsoft® Windows®CE 5.0 and offers up-to-date operating system for data processing in real-time mode, guarantees improved productivity and opportunity of web browsing.

There are modifications of Symbol MC3090 with pistol grip (Gun) – MC3090G and Straight Shooter – forward scanning, model MC3090S.

Charging cradle CLD3000-1000R is not available with delivery; you can buy it additionally.